A Northern Forest Strategy for Humber Forest
The Northern Forest – What is it?
The Northern Forest is an ambitious plan to plant 50 million trees in and around the cities of Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield and Hull over the next 25 years. This is timely, as the Committee on Climate Change has stated that we need to triple the UK's tree planting program to help with carbon capture and to ease the worst effect of climate change. Trees are the most reliable and best established technology (370 million years!) for carbon capture. They bring with them a huge variety of other useful benefits, for us and for nature.
The Northern Forest is a partnership of four Community Forests together with the Woodland Trust.

Humber Forest
THe woodland initiative for Kingston upon Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire is Humber Forest (formerly known as HEYwoods). It was established in 2002 to increase woodland cover and improve the management of existing trees, woods and associated habitats.
Why a 'Humber Forest' Northern Forest Strategy?
2B has been supporting Humber Forest since 2006 and has recently helped to develop a strategy for the Northern Forest in the Humber area. The landscape of the Humber Forest area is unlike the other community forests, because there is very little post-industrial or derelict land. The rural landscape is mostly intensive arable farmland. In urban areas, open spaces are under constant pressure for housing and other forms of development.
The 'Humber Forest' Northern Forest Strategy identifies the unique character, features and constraints of the Humber Forest area and considers what the Northern Forest may look like in our rural and urban landscapes.
To download the 'Humber Forest' (formerly HEYwoods) Northern Forest Strategy (2Mb PDF), please click the image below.

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