Ash Dieback
Ash Dieback - is there anything we can do?
Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is one of a number of serious tree diseases affecting the UK, most likely due to climate change and global movement of products - but it is probably the first to have really caught the attention of the UK media.
It is generally assumed that young Ash trees (whether planted or naturally regenerated) will be the first to die, and that larger and mature trees will be progressively affected, although the full consequences are, as yet, unknown. A cautious approach would be to expect a significant loss of Ash tree cover over the next one to two decades.
In East Yorkshire, we can expect to see a very significant effect on the local landscape, because Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) accounts for around a third to a half of all trees in the county.
Alternative tree and shrub planting lists for East Yorkshire
To offer some assistance to landowners and managers in this unfolding crisis, 2B has worked with colleagues at Humber Forest (formerly known as HEYwoods) to create lists of alternative tree species suitable for planting in the main geographic (landscape character) areas of East Yorkshire - although if you are in similar types of areas in the rest of the UK, you may also find the lists useful.
To download the 2Mb PDF file, please click the image below.

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