The results are in!
Better Barrow had over 100 visitors to the open event, and more than 60 surveys filled in and returned, both at the enjoyable day we spent talking to people in the village hall, and later online. The committee have done a great job of collecting and analysing the data, and have produced a report for us. This is extremely helpful in taking the design forward to the next stage.
A couple of examples of the boards we used to help demonstrate options to the community;
We are now evolving the design to respond to the comments and preferences of the village, and also producing different costed options so that we can respond to the level of funding grants that turn out to be available - from 'Gold' to 'Bronze'. Both will be desirable schemes, but Bronze might be a smaller scheme area, or less bespoke / more 'off the peg' items. One of the delights of working with the Better Barrow community group is their insistence that whatever the final scheme, it must be of good quality. Our thoughts exactly!
By Amanda McDermott CMLI
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