Big Ticket Giveaway!!!
2B has 2 FREE tickets to the #GreenerRecovery #LICPDDAY 22-26th March, to give away to deserving colleagues.Bill is volunteering to chair some sessions, the LI is kindly rewarding him with more tickets than we have staff, and we want to share the love...
To enter:
Follow us, Like or Share our social media posts about this giveaway, and reply with why you want a free ticket!

Read more about the event: 
Bill's sessions:
25/03/21 Session 2B. Let’s Build back Better!
More than ever, it is critical that nature-based solutions should be planned and designed as multifunctional components at the start of any development with collaboration of all stakeholders. Policies need to be framed to support longer term sustainable growth with investment needed in new mature GI and increased funding for maintenance of existing. This presentation will uncover how to work effectively with stakeholders from the outset to achieve a longterm vision. It will provide examples of case studies whereby Green Infrastructure has transformed high streets and public realm for the benefit of all.
25/03/21 Session 3B. Designing Water management in light of Climate Change
...we explore the challenges of designing sustainably when the climate seems to be against you every day... will then discuss the value, benefits and challenges of integrating local communities in designing and improving their own neighbourhoods to secure a greener and bluer recovery.
More than ever, it is critical that nature-based solutions should be planned and designed as multifunctional components at the start of any development with collaboration of all stakeholders. Policies need to be framed to support longer term sustainable growth with investment needed in new mature GI and increased funding for maintenance of existing. This presentation will uncover how to work effectively with stakeholders from the outset to achieve a longterm vision. It will provide examples of case studies whereby Green Infrastructure has transformed high streets and public realm for the benefit of all.
25/03/21 Session 3B. Designing Water management in light of Climate Change
...we explore the challenges of designing sustainably when the climate seems to be against you every day... will then discuss the value, benefits and challenges of integrating local communities in designing and improving their own neighbourhoods to secure a greener and bluer recovery.
Competition Deadline
Entries close midnight 7th March. Results will be announced here, on social media, and directly to successful applicants, w/c 8th March. Good Luck!