What is Landscape and Urban design?

We have placed these two categories together because, in some clients' and planners' minds, landscape design equates to 'landscaping' and is therefore concerned with soft elements, such as earthworks and planting; and urban design is concerned with hard interventions in an urban context.

Design of liveable places

To landscape architects such as 2B, there is no such distinction: the manipulation of topography and earthworks, the use of hard materials such as paving, boundaries and lighting, combined with soft landscape features such as trees, plants and water; these elements combine to create the palette of the landscape architect.

True urban design is a fusion of (existing or new) built form and external space which creates excellent places to live, work and play.

Why Landscape and Urban design?

Visionary developers and planners know that Landscape and Urban design are not just an aesthetic 'bolt-on' to built development: they are critical factors in creating liveable spaces for functioning communities; they provide context and setting to development and determine the first experience and the long-term use of the critical space around our towns, work places and homes.

Outdoor meeting places

Planners, politicians and society are increasingly recognising that sense of community and social cohesion do not take place in the living room, or the back garden, but in the outdoor public spaces which are the meeting rooms of our society.  

All the more important then, that they should be well designed, not as an afterthought, but as an integral and vital part of any development or regeneration project.

Why 2B?

As chartered landscape architects, we pride ourselves on our holistic understanding of various physical elements and design principles, and the ways in which they combine to make successful external spaces.

Creative, safe hands

We will use our skills, experience and aptitude in landscape and urban assessment, green infrastructure, SuDS and the many elements of landscape design, to create, with you, successful external places which compliment your development or neighbourhood.

This looks totally amazing - we love it, and could not have asked for anything better to fulfil our brief! This is why you need to employ designers.
Chief Executive, Beverley Race Course