Major landscape exhibition visits Yorkshire
Oct 17th, 2015
Bradford's Mirror Pool features as a great example of the regenerative power of Landscape Architecture in a major touring exhibition coming to Yorkshire in November. An article in the Bradford Telegraph and Argus (16th October 2015) quotes our own Bill Blackledge.
How to save money on long term maintenance AND have a beautiful landscape?
Sep 23rd, 2015
Write-up and photos from a useful and enjoyable CPD day at Green Estate in Sheffield. Their research into urban meadows and green roofs is very helpful to Landscape Architects.
Back to School! Landscape Architecture Careers Talk
Aug 27th, 2015
2B have ensured that Landscape Architecture is now regularly on the agenda for the annual careers day at The Crossley Heath School, Halifax.
Burnby Hall's HLF Rock Garden Restoration Project begins
Jul 16th, 2015
We are delighted to be involved with the HLF funded restoration project for the Edwardian Rock Garden at Burnby Hall Gardens, our local 'Jewel in Yorkshire's Crown'.
RHS Hampton Court; Greening Grey Britain
Jul 8th, 2015
Although as Landscape Architects, our work is much broader than just gardens and flowers, they are an integral part of what we do. There is much we can learn from, as well as delight in, at the RHS flower shows. This year, we visited RHS Hampton Court Show.
Two Thirds of 2B on LI Council!
Jun 25th, 2015
Bill takes up the role of Technical Committee rep, Amanda is elected as an independent member.
Home Quality Mark 'replaces' Code for Sustainable Homes?
Apr 13th, 2015
Under new planning rules, local authorities can no longer require houses to be built to Code for Sustainable Homes standards. How will BRE's new Home Quality Mark provide a basis for sustainability in housing, and what role does the Landscape Architect have to play?
2B writes to Minster of State for Transport
Feb 4th, 2015
Following Rt Hon John Hayes MP's speech on "Beautiful Roads, a new aesthetic vision for the road network"; 2B has written to explain that the landscape profession is uniquely placed to deliver the vision he seeks.
Amanda McDermott BA(Hons) MLA CMLI
Dec 5th, 2014
Another CMLI for 2B! We are pleased to announce that, with the help of Bill's expert mentoring, Amanda has achieved her LI Chartership.
Love Locks
Oct 25th, 2014
From Paris to Bakewell, we have been observing the phenomenon of couples padlocking their love to a bridge and tossing the key into the water...