North Cave Neighbourhood Plan
18 Sep 2014 16:40     A+ | a-
As Landscape Architects, we recognise the value of neighbourhood planning, and the importance of implementing Neighbourhood Plans under the current planning system. As residents of the North Cave community, we want to help to ensure the best for our village.
So, it has been second nature to play an active role as volunteers in helping to facilitate the North Cave Neighbourhood Plan. We are currently in the stage of consulting with the community to gauge opinions and form a strategic direction. Dave Hickling (one of our colleagues from the Hull Sustainability Consortium) is our consultant Town Planner. We have enjoyed working with him, as always, to understand the system we need to go through, to try and make sure that we end up with a robust document, reflecting the needs of the whole community - and hopefully get it implemented quickly! Watch this space...
If you would like further information, search for ‘North Cave Plan’ on Facebook, or the website is here
2B's Elizabeth presents to the Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Evening

By Elizabeth Blackledge CMLI
North Cave Plan Steering Group member
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