Shed Green Roof
14 Aug 2018 12:02     A+ | a-
Inspired by my voluntary work with Slow The Flow: Calderdale, and the many fabulous green roofs at 2B’s head office in East Yorkshire (see previous blog post '3 Generations of Green Roof'), my husband and I (and baby Evelyn in a supervisory role) have now built a green roof of our very own at home in Halifax!

Amanda's Shed Green Roof

Full details on Slow The Flow’s website:

Proud to practise what we preach 

2B can now boast a total of 5 green roofs at our own properties, in addition to our rain gardens and water butts of course.

We really do believe that SuDS must be an integrated part of our urban realm – providing many the green infrastructure benefits (biodiversity, air quality, mental+physical health, urban cooling, aesthetic value) as well as, of course, natural flood management. We enjoy including sustainable drainage systems at all scales in our wide variety of landscape design projects: please take a look at the SuDS design page of our website for more details:

By Amanda McDermott CMLI
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