Explaining the forthcoming LI Photography and Photomontage Guidance
21 Mar 2018 13:28     A+ | a-
As chair of the Photography and Photomontage steering group for the Landscape Institute, it fell to Bill to explain the main points of upcoming guidance at the LI's Digital Practice Day.

In a nutshell, this comes down to quality of equipment and process, to provide results which are reliable for assessors and decision-makers.  The guidance (currently in draft) is very much leaning towards use of full-frame DSLRs with a 50mm focal length lens.  This arrangement provides consistent, reliable results, with the minimum of optical distortion.  Obviously, there is a bit more to it than that...

Bill explaining photography guidance
Explaining some of the different camera sensor sizes

Thanks to Ben Gurney for attending and taking the great photo :)
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