Bill Blackledge (Managing Director) said "This massive increase in our staff resources is a testament to our client-centric, yet ethically-based approach. The acquisition of these new offices gives us a virtually global reach across Yorkshire - and beyond. It just goes to prove what can be achieved by being professional, determined and really small. Size is not everything, and you can quote me on that."

Increased staff numbers** and Yorkshire-wide coverage have been achieved by the addition of Matt Machouki, from Scarborough, to our existing client-centric, yet ethically-based team, based in North Cave and Halifax.
New staff member, Matt, said "I was attracted to 2B by its client-centric yet ethically-based approach. That, and the fact that they offered me a job".
Investment in robust, cutting-edge communications technology (see photo) allows seamless working across these far-flung locations (see photo). 2B is looking forward to new possibilities opened up by its aggressive, client-centric, yet ethically-based, expansion strategy. The company intends to focus on radically new client-centric, yet ethically-based concepts, such as Green and Blue Infrastructure (previously known as landscape architecture).
2B is rightly proud that, after months of working without the benefit of a marketing consultancy, it has managed to define its approach in the snappy phrase "2B – now with even more of the same thing as before, but spread about a bit more".
For more information on what this dynamic, client-centric, yet ethically-based, team could offer you, whether in Yorkshire - or beyond, get in touch with us!
*33% increase calculated based on 1 new staff member, in addition to 3 existing staff members. data source: back of envelope 01/04/18
** calculation based on year-on-year comparison, 2017=3 full time staff, 2018 = 3 full time staff, 1 part time staff. data source: scribble on old napkin 01/04/18