2B's 25 projects at 25 years retrospective: Part 2
26 Jan 2024 11:31     A+ | a-
2B has had a typically busy 25th birthday year! We've enjoyed reflecting on 25 projects that demonstrate the huge breadth and variety of the interesting work we do, and picking out those that were particularly fun or meaningful. It was hard to pick just 25, though...and to choose just one image and one paragraph for each!

This is the second of '5x5' blog posts, covering the 'Twenty-five at twenty-five' projects, to give a flavour of our quarter-of-a-century in practice - look out for the rest in the coming weeks.

Grimsby Solar Farm - before and after photomontageGrimsby Solar Farm

We have provided many an LVIA for solar power - it is  always enjoyable to contribute to good siting and mitigation of renewable energy projects.

Grimsby Solar Farm stands out as one of the larger developments we have handled.  We were involved through several stages and design iterations informed by our Landscape and Visual Assessment.

Plan showing rural NFM project

Ings Farm

The vision of our wonderful farmer client in Nidderdale National Landscape (AONB)  is to use regenerative farming practices to produce multiple crops and multiple benefits.  These include fruit orchards as well as maintaining sheep grazing in the area.

The ecology of the site, in addition to its location in a National Landscape, provided many constraints, which we helped the client to map. The constraints mapping then informed 2B's landscape master plan, report, and visuals.

2B's input on this project enabled the client to access funding for tree planting across the site. We look forward to watching it develop!


Hand drawn plan showing SuDS scheme in new housing development

Wellbank Self-build Housing

2B's involvement in this mixed housing site resulted in a SuDS-driven master plan, with a wonderful lake at the heart of the new community.

The site features a fantastic community hub building, retreat housing and self-build housing land. Attractive pedestrian routes meander through the biodiverse sustainable drainage landscape.

Self-build plots are flying off the shelf as the site, in the beautiful Lake District, has now become available.

Photo showing restored RHS rock garden landscape

Burnby Hall Garden

2B was privileged to work on the restoration of part of the fantastic RHS partner garden, Burnby Hall Gardens.

We worked closely with the estate manager, heritage consultant and specialist rock garden nursery, to restore the century-old Backhouse-designed rock garden in line with the original designer’s vision, in a way that is appropriate for modern day visitors.

We continue to visit as tourists (we recommend the cafe!) and watch this very special place grow and develop.

Read our previous blog posts about the project via this link!

Photo showing green housing estate retrofit

Topcliffe & Scampton Garths

This was a major mixed hardworks and softworks housing regeneration project, with design and tender managed by 2B for Hull City Council.

At its simplest, the strategy was to reduce the number of pedestrian cut-throughs by extending gardens and using strategically-placed fencing and planting.

One of our early projects, you can see before and after images in the case study on our Residential web page.

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