First post - new blog pages added to 2B website
25 Jan 2010 8:18     A+ | a-

Well, the first news on this blog is that we have a Blog.  Self-evident if you are reading this, but important just the same. We want to develop this into several themed areas including 2B-related news, views on landscape (could be taken many ways) and technical stuff.  It deliberately doesn't look too bloggy - we wanted to keep the 2B site styling and not get the ubiquitous Wordpress blues.  We found a nice simple blogging system called, strangely enough, SimpleBlog, and are looking forward to adding new stuff with it.

  • 2B News will include project and website updates;
  • Landscape Views may include non-commercial work we are involved in, including the Landscape Institute Yorkshire and Humber Branch, The Yorkshire Landscape Forum, and Hull and East Yorkshire Woodlands (HEYwoods)(2022 update - now known as Humber Forest), as well as just "views of landscape";
  • Technical: favourite software and other stuff.

Contact us if you have any questions about what we do and we will try to provide the answers here.

North Cave Wetlands - Winter Sunset

North Cave Wetlands - Winter Sunset


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