Ash Dieback - is there nothing we can do? Well yes, there is...
27 May 2013 17:45     A+ | a-
Ash Dieback (Chalara fraxinea) was national news in late 2012.  If you are wondering whether it has gone away, we're afraid the answer is no - it is simply that the symptoms (and therefore its spread) can't be easily spotted during the winter.  Expect to be hearing a lot more in the news from July onwards. 

As members of both the Landscape Institute Technical Committee and Hull and East Yorkshire Woodlands (HEYwoods) (2022 update - now known as Humber Forest) steering group, we thought it would be useful to let land owners know what they can do, in the long term, to offset the worst effects of Ash Dieback. 

We have produced a dedicated web-page here, with a download link to our joint publication with Humber Forest - get it now and start planning to plant trees!

HEYwoods Tree and Shrub species - page 1

HEYwoods Tree and Shrub species - page 2

HEYwoods Tree and Shrub species - page 3

HEYwoods Tree and Shrub species - page 4
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