Yipes! 5 months since last news post
17 May 2013 14:15     A+ | a-
Last posting December 7th?  Well, there was Christmas, then New Year, then Winter, then Easter, then Winter again, and it might just be Spring now, but worth checking the weather report tonight just to be certain it's not still Winter.

Notwithstanding the weather, we have been busy on a number of fronts:
  • Winning a design competition to renew a village market square in North Lincolnshire - more details to follow
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Asessment for community turbines in North Yorkshire
  • SuDs and Landscape design for a local housing scheme
  • A series of static and animated photomontages of a windfarm, for a parish council in Norfolk
  • plus a few exciting things we can't talk about yet...
With the Landscape Institute Technical Committee, Bill has been working on:
  • The Landscape Consultant's Appointment
  • integration of Landscape Architects' Scopes of Services with the RIBA / CIC Plan of Works
and inputting to topics like Guidance on Landscape and Visual Impact 3rd Edition (GLVIA3), BIM, Ash Dieback, and the LI's Water sub-group.

Amanda continues to attend LI Council, The LI Journal Editorial Panel and LI Yorkshire Branch Committee.

Locally, we have produced guidance on tree and shrub species to be planted in the light of potential effects of Ash Dieback, with Hull and East Yorkshire Woodlands (HEYwoods) (2022 update - now known as Humber Forest) .  To be published in the very near future...

So, lots happening, but not always a lot of time to talk about it.  Here's hoping we get a Summer before it's Winter again.!
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