Barrow Market Place - video
Jun 5th, 2013
2B releases a fly-though video of initial design proposals for Barrow Market Place
Ash Dieback - is there nothing we can do? Well yes, there is...
May 27th, 2013
Ash Dieback is seriously bad news for the UK landscape, especially in eastern counties like East Yorkshire, where Ash is major component of the landscape. 2B has helped produce a guide for planting alternative tree species to offset the anticipated losses.
2B wins Barrow Market Place design competition
May 27th, 2013
The Better Barrow community group sifted through ten submissions and interviewed three design teams for their project. They decided that 2B was better for Barrow than anyone else.
Yipes! 5 months since last news post
May 17th, 2013
Oops! this is not how blogs are supposed to be run - but we've been busy...
A3 is the drawing format for the paperless office and paperless planning submission
Jan 17th, 2013
The Planning Portal recently published the following guidance: "Where possible, separate plans and drawings on to different sheets with a single scale, and with a preference for A3 sheet size or smaller if possible" We agree - this was our response.
Environmental Strategies - Thermal Imaging Winter Special Offers
Jan 7th, 2013
Our good friends, Environmental Strategies Ltd, are providing limited time winter offers for their specialist thermographic services.
Creating, Grouping and Saving Google Earth Placemarks
Jan 4th, 2013
We often recommend using Google Earth to confirm the locations of developments such as wind turbines, or other features. The process can be confusing, so here's an illustrated tutorial to take you through it, step by step.
Project Wild Thing achieves its £30k target on Kickstarter
Dec 7th, 2012
2B is delighted to have contributed to helping Project Wild Thing achieve its fundraising target.
2B on Twitter
Nov 26th, 2012
We're pleased to announce that we've taken the plunge and started tweeting. Follow us @2B_Landscape.
2B 'do' Dutch water management...
Oct 19th, 2012
When 2B travelled to Holland for the Floriade, we wanted to make the most of our journey. Marnix de Vriend ( arranged for us to go on a 'water management' tour of the Netherlands on the way home.