North Cave Wetlands - new bird hide opens on Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) site
07 Sep 2012 12:30     A+ | a-

A major landscape restoration project has taken a big step forwards in public engagement. A massive new bird hide, constructed with straw bale walls and green roof, has just been opened. The ceremony involved local dignitaries and YWT supporters, including our own Elizabeth, who has been advising on establishing meadow planting on the steep slopes which lead up to the hide.

North Cave Wetlands Opening
2B has been involved in the North Cave Wetlands project since 2004, when we produced the Landscape and Visual Assessment for the first phase of the expansion of the wetland, with subsequent extensions in 2007 and 2010.

Noerth Cave Wetlands Landscape Masterplan
The economic driver is sand and gravel extraction, but Humberside Aggregates’ creative partnership with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has been spectacularly successful for both parties. A local council official remarked that they have never previously had a major mineral extraction site extension go through without any local objections, but that is exactly what happened with the most recent application. YWT has procured a wetland site made to measure for maximum biodiversity by Humberside Aggregates.

Economic and environmental sustainability in partnership!
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