Ash Green project featured in Landscape journal
16 Jul 2024 10:34     A+ | a-
2B’s Amanda McDermott has co-written an article for the Landscape Institute’s professional journal, ‘Landscape’. Her co-author is Calderdale Council’s Ella King, Project Manager for the Community Streets project around Ash Green School Lower Site, in Mixenden, Halifax.  2B and CMBC have worked closely together, with Engineers PSA Design, to maximise the climate resilience of improvements to be made by intended Highways work.

In the article, they consider the multiple benefits of incorporating Green Infrastructure in Active Travel projects, and the importance of communicating well with the local community.
" Benefits of well-designed Community Streets include:
  • improvements in air and water quality, due to fewer cars and more planting
  • biodiversity gain, bringing nature into urban environments
  • physical health improvements from encouraging activity and reducing air pollution
  • mental health benefits of fresh air, nature, and greater interaction with other people ”

The full article is available to read on the Landscape Institute's Journal site, (July 2024 edition, page 36-37).

Journal article entitled 'Community Streets' - page 1

Journal article entitled 'Community Streets' - page 2

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