2B's 25 projects at 25 years retrospective: Part 3
21 Feb 2024 12:09     A+ | a-
2B has had a typically busy 25th birthday year! We've enjoyed reflecting on 25 projects that demonstrate the huge breadth and variety of the interesting work we do, and picking out those that were particularly fun or meaningful. It was hard to pick just 25, though...and to choose just one image and one paragraph for each!

This is the third of '5x5' blog posts, covering the 'Twenty-five at twenty-five' projects, to give a flavour of our quarter-of-a-century in practice - look out for the rest in the coming weeks.

Photomontage showing NFM leaky dams and path in a woodland

York Community Woodland

We helped York Community Woodland to develop and visualise their options for this brand new woodland site.

We particularly enjoyed incorporating Woodmeadow principles, and a process that engaged effectively with the public, to achieve a master plan that is welcomed by the community, and which will provide wonderful resource for the York population for generations to come.

Hand pencil sketch of new school playground plan

Thanet Primary

2B reimagined this primary school playground, to incorporate playful and colourful elements that make the most of the space available. We integrated topography, planting, and outdoor teaching space. 

Plan showing river re-meandering

West Wolds Slow The Flow

As founders and co-ordinators of the West Wolds Slow The Flow project, 2B is using our professional expertise to make a difference in our local area.

We have created successful partnerships with many local organisations, and are proud of projects ranging from rain garden planters in local schools, to natural flood management interventions in our wonderful chalk streams. We look forward to seeing what the future holds as we continue adding new sites all the time!

Find out more at https://www.westwoldsslowtheflow.org.uk/

Photograph showing attractive NHS courtyard

Townend Court

On what was to become our first installed SuDS project, back in 2015, we worked with the NHS on this mental healthcare facility.

2B designed cool relaxing courtyard spaces for a calm atmosphere within the building, and a welcoming car park bounded by a swale and attenuation basins.

Cartoon plan of public square design

Thornton Square

Reimagining an old roundabout opens up exciting possibilities for Brighouse - 2B helped Calderdale Council and the Town Development Board to come up with master plan options including opportunities for public events space, cafe spill out areas, green infrastructure with sustainable drainage, and accessible routes for walking, cycling and wheeling.
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