2B’s 25 projects at 25 years retrospective: Part 4
Aug 14th, 2024
The fourth of '5x5' blog posts to give a flavour of our quarter-of-a-century in practice. Featuring: Hull University Halls of Residence, Champney Gardens Registry Office landscape, Ash Green Active Travel School Streets, Sowerby Bridge Transport Master plan, Sutton Primary School
CIRIA Susdrain SuDS Awards 2024: Winner and Highly Commended!
Aug 7th, 2024
We're delighted to share the news that two 2B projects were recognised at the Susdrain SuDS Awards 2024!
Ash Green project featured in Landscape journal
Jul 16th, 2024
2B's Community Streets project for Calderdale Council features in the latest Landscape journal,'Connecting Places: A Landscape-led approach to Transport and Mobility'.
2B CIRIA Susdrain SuDS Awards - 2B's Office and Garden Video
Jun 26th, 2024
A short video to introduce our CIRIA Susdrain SuDS Award Highly Commended office landscape project.
2B CIRIA Susdrain SuDS Awards - Wellbank Park Video
Jun 26th, 2024
A short video to introduce our CIRIA Susdrain SuDS Award-winning project, Wellbank Park.
Ash Green Community Streets - on site!
Jun 18th, 2024
Work has started on our Active Travel and SuDS project in Mixenden, Halifax. The highways element of the project should be completed in Autumn 2024.
SuDS Awards shortlisting for two 2B projects!
Jun 10th, 2024
We are proud to be shortlisted for both Wellbank Park self-build housing project, and the 2B office landscape.
Wellbank Park: SuDS integrated in mixed housing
May 16th, 2024
2B's involvement in this mixed housing site has resulted in a SuDS-driven masterplan. The site features 50 custom-build houses, and 8 holiday homes catering for severely disabled users.
2B's 25 projects at 25 years retrospective: Part 3
Feb 21st, 2024
The third of '5x5' blog posts to give a flavour of our quarter-of-a-century in practice. Featuring: York Community Woodland, Thanet Primary School Playground, West Wolds Slow The Flow, Townend Court NHS Clinic, Thornton Square Public Space
2B's 25 projects at 25 years retrospective: Part 2
Jan 26th, 2024
The second of '5x5' blog posts to give a flavour of our quarter-of-a-century in practice. Featuring: Grimsby Solar Farm, Ings Sustainable Farm, Wellbank Self-build Housing, Burnby Hall Historic Rock Garden, Topcliffe & Scampton Garths Housing